
This file introduces the supported pose data structure in C++. Generally, pose consists of a rotation and position.


Here are attributes of class Pose.

Attribute name Type Description
quaternion_ Eigen::Quaterniond Pose rotation
position_ Eigen::Vector3d Pose position

Construct a Pose

Construct a pose with default value, where rotation is identity matrix and position is zero.

Pose pose;

Construct a pose with rotation and position. Rotation can be represented as quaternion, axis angle or rotation matrix.

Eigen::Vector3d vec3d;

Eigen::Quaterniond quaternion;
Pose pose1(quaternion.setIdentity(), vec3d.setZero());

Eigen::AngleAxisd angleAxis(30, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
Pose pose2(angleAxis, vec3d.setZero());

Eigen::Matrix3d mat3d;
Pose pose3(mat3d.setIdentity(), vec3d.setZero());

Set Pose to identity

A identity pose denotes to identity rotation and zero position


Scale a Pose

Scale a pose means multiplying scaling factor with the position.

auto p = pose3.Scale(1.2);

Inverse a Pose

Inverse a pose is defined as (1) applying rotation inversion and (2) multiplying position with inversed rotation.
